AUO Chairman and CEO Paul Peng, recognized by the industry’s prestigious SID David Sarnoff Industrial Achievement Prize, talks about what winning the accolade means to both him and the company through a pre-recorded video, as the awarding ceremony could not be held this year due to the pandemic


Joining the video are SID fellow Dr. Fan Lou, and SID fellow Dr. Yi-Pai Huang, also General Chair of Display Week 2020, to give their words of congratulations, commending Peng for his extraordinary contributions to the display industry over the past years.


Peng remarks that the pandemic has disrupted our daily life, causing social distancing to be mandatory. However, it has also driven digital transformation at full speed, keeping people connected and creating abundant opportunities to be seized.


As founder of the WOW SAX band with dedication to doing CSR through music, Peng extends his best wishes to everyone by presenting an all-time classic - My Heart Will Go On.


* Please click the link below to view Peng’s talk on winning the Prize.


AUO Chairman Paul Peng acknowledged by SID’s David Sarnoff Industrial Achievement Prize